Friday, July 11, 2008

adlai, adlai, what did you say?

"you're the best."
-addie, now 5

so. so so so.
in my spare time, i'm working for my dad in a cubicle. it's $10/hr, so that helps ease the pain a little, as much as i want to make database entry my career choice. it's ok though, because i get to hang out with adlai stevenson III. who's grandfather convinced honest abe to run for the presidency. thus, through connections, i convinced abraham lincoln to become president. neat!

we have this girl staying with us right now from niger. it's very interesting. she's here on a program that takes 3 girls from the top 10% of the country's brightest, and brings them too good ole america and teaches them how to empower themselves. how bitchin, right? she's the sweetest thing. she's an orphan. and completely shell shocked.

i mean, i guess i feel like i just had to update this. i've started a short story. due to the inspiration of the cubicle. EVERYTHING IS JUST SO GRAY. grey? (i can never decide.)

last night, i went a little wildlife crazy. geckos and snakes, really are underrated. i held the big one. all. night. i became addicted. i miss him. it was so therapeutic, to have a living breathing animal made entirely of muscle and beautiful soft scales wrap it's entirety around my arm, neck, etc. if i didn't have to feed it LIVE BABY MICE, i would have like 12 snakes. and just walk around with them.

(he's much oh much prettier)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haleigh haleigh an awful lie