Tuesday, December 2, 2008


i really don't know what it means to work anymore. to DO work, that is. the beginning of the year was so crazy hectic and stressful, but only because i had a ton of places i needed to be. not because of any amount of work i had to do. and now it's finals. and i have to write a paper. and i don't remember how. and it's a little freaky. i have absolutely no idea what to do. even thinking about it makes me nervous and anxious because i feel i don't have anything of value to say, and i'll end up bullshitting everything because that's all this year has been. i've smoked way too much pot and have created absolutely nothing of value this semester. i haven't been motivated to throw myself into my work like i expected i would, because now i'm finally doing exactly what i've been wanting to do and i'm letting it completely pass me by. which is depressing. because i absolutely cannot seem to get myself out of this lazy mentality. i have zero self control. and zero self discipline. that combination is. a. disaster.

thanksgiving was nice.

1 comment:

emily said...

i think it's normal to feel like you don't have any self-discipline and super lazy. i feel like that all the time and it depresses me. but the non-depressing part of it is that the only thing holding you back is YOU. you are capable of doing soooo much, you are talented and passionate and smart. you are also young! yes, i think maybe you should smoke less weed (haha) because it's probably contributing to you feeling lazy mentally. don't hold yourself back from doing great things. but on the optimistic side, know that that's the only thing in your way, you. and that's heartening :)

i lovelovelove you! chin up. you'll be fine.

p.s. yes, thanksgiving was really fun :)