Tuesday, July 7, 2009


i'm glad that i decided to do cinematography in prague next semester because it really just makes sense; every film i have recently watched i have been deciphering visually. i have been examining the way in which each scene is lit, or for that matter, each actor and where the light hits their face exactly, coming up with conclusions for the reasons behind these lighting decisions, contrast in color decisions, etc. i have been looking for clues hidden in the scenery. i have been viewing each film as a film, always keeping in mind that precisely a billion people worked on it to make it EXACTLY the way it is. absolutely everything was consciously created and decided, if it's a somewhat cohesive piece. i haven't been able to watch a film recently and not analyze every moment of it and take everything involved within in each scene into some sort of consideration, figuring out the WHY and the HOW. mainly so i can be aware of these decisions to be made come september.

this summer has truly put me in a filmic mindset. which is perfect. which is what i need for the upcoming trek to the homeland. every inspiration and idea i've come up with i've wanted to portray through some sort of film work. it is now the first form of expression that comes to mind when i want to create something. thinking like a filmmaker has become inate. whenever i see something beautiful or strange or different in the real world, i only think of how it would look on film, of what a lens would do to that scene. for some reason, i find things so much more interesting and full of depth that way. i don't really know why. it just makes the most sense to me.

maybe because this entire summer has been/is dedicated to watching great movies and that's it. really, that's the one constant thing this summer has been for, everything meaninful i've been doing has been for that sake, to watch a movie. my list hasn't gotten any shorter though.


things keep expanding and it's all attributed to my facets class and professor/cinematographer/genius. he rides a motorcycle.

1 comment:

emily said...

this is exciting. when i come home i would love to watch a fuckload of movies with you. oui oui.