Wednesday, August 27, 2008

sir realist

so i go back to the hampshire college in t-minus 3 daze. it's weird. i assumed i was going to be in evanston forever. i've been here since the beginning of may, with one lovely weekend in michigan and music festivals as vacation. this summer was such a staple to my emotional diet. it was definitely the most interesting summer yet, the most stressful the most busy possibly the most fun. and just completely over the top ridiculous. the zt b&b, is what we called it. due to the amount of humans coming in and out and in and out and in and out over the past 3.5 months. i've met more people than i thought i would, more has happened than i ever thought, ever bargained for. which is both good and bad. because it helped me mature yet again, even though i thought it couldn't go any further. but OH IT WENT FURTHER. i guess the lesson i've learned is that it always will. and i can't get invested in something that won't come back. as much as closure is needed, for me. in countless situations in just the past year, ive had to settle with telling myself "he's just crazy and crazy people can't explain themselves".

it's getting annoying. but that's been the only way i can move on without reasonable explanations given.

good thing i'm off to hampshire where everyone is so normal. what a relief that will be! wait. nope. just kidding.

this is what came up in google images under "crazy boy".

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